Man in the Moon
Came down too soon?
I question those rhymes
from terraced eternity.
In the right light,
with the right eyes
I’ll moon-beam.
Pareidolic, the wireframe
black blemishes on
a cratered sphere
build me from those
shadowy spots I’ve teeth-torn
through your structure,
this is everything,
is never-crescent
never dissipates
unabridged and all
extremes, passing soft
the basalt seas,
that whole wide world
so tenderly distant,
pining clowders
screeching beneath
their tears, my dusty
mane on Masonite.
Lay picnic blankets
over my mouth, tongue-gag
and gorge above
poured claret, its red
dripping down shared
celestial skin;
I’m a greedy, duplicitous
myth, feed me all
on silvered surfacing
I live only on
your body basing,
only in the stars,
dots you trace
gently through
our midnight memory.
Sam Kendall